December 24th 2016
It's been a while since we updated. The cats are fine and all the 2016 kittens (and previous litters as well) are well too.
We made the difficult decision to neuter Pipje last month as we are not planning on having a nest next year. She is a great mum (Pipje loves being pregnant and is absolutely devoted-perhaps too devoted- to her babies) and her babies always leave the nest with really good weights (well over 2 kilos for boys) but she is already almost 6. Furthermore, eversince we had the 2 nests at the same time earlier this year, Pipje and Eleanor have not been getting along. While they aren't killing each other anymore, there is still definitely some tension. It's something we are working on and I desperately hope we will not eventually have to find a new home for one of them.
All the 2016 babies have been neutered too, except Guusje (Katnip) and Coco who will be fixed in January. They all seem very happy with their families. I've been lucky to have been showered with pictures! I really enjoy finding out how the kittens are doing and what they've been up to.
In regards to the 2014 babies, they all seem fine too. One boy had to have surgery on his hips earlier this year but has thankfully recovered and is back to normal. The other 2 (who live together) are fine and the last one, Eleanor, lives with me. She is physically fine as well but somewhat stressed due to the soured relationship with Pipje (they were the best of friends before that). I am trying my best to make her happy again.
2012 babies are doing well too. From that nest, I kept Pechje. She is still her usual self- very balanced and gentle. She's probably the calming element in the house- everyone loves her and no one has a problem with her.
Then, finally, there is my moggie, Mrs F., who is already 11.5 years old and going strong. She spends most of the day sleeping but she looks good, loves to play and if needed, can definitely hold her own. Pipje is the dominant one amongst the 4 cats that we have but it is Mrs. F. who 'protects the pack' (nowadays also supported by Eleanor) when there are strange cats lurking outside the house (they attack through the windows ;) ) while Pipje quivers in the background haha
Happy holidays and all the best for 2017!
We made the difficult decision to neuter Pipje last month as we are not planning on having a nest next year. She is a great mum (Pipje loves being pregnant and is absolutely devoted-perhaps too devoted- to her babies) and her babies always leave the nest with really good weights (well over 2 kilos for boys) but she is already almost 6. Furthermore, eversince we had the 2 nests at the same time earlier this year, Pipje and Eleanor have not been getting along. While they aren't killing each other anymore, there is still definitely some tension. It's something we are working on and I desperately hope we will not eventually have to find a new home for one of them.
All the 2016 babies have been neutered too, except Guusje (Katnip) and Coco who will be fixed in January. They all seem very happy with their families. I've been lucky to have been showered with pictures! I really enjoy finding out how the kittens are doing and what they've been up to.
In regards to the 2014 babies, they all seem fine too. One boy had to have surgery on his hips earlier this year but has thankfully recovered and is back to normal. The other 2 (who live together) are fine and the last one, Eleanor, lives with me. She is physically fine as well but somewhat stressed due to the soured relationship with Pipje (they were the best of friends before that). I am trying my best to make her happy again.
2012 babies are doing well too. From that nest, I kept Pechje. She is still her usual self- very balanced and gentle. She's probably the calming element in the house- everyone loves her and no one has a problem with her.
Then, finally, there is my moggie, Mrs F., who is already 11.5 years old and going strong. She spends most of the day sleeping but she looks good, loves to play and if needed, can definitely hold her own. Pipje is the dominant one amongst the 4 cats that we have but it is Mrs. F. who 'protects the pack' (nowadays also supported by Eleanor) when there are strange cats lurking outside the house (they attack through the windows ;) ) while Pipje quivers in the background haha
Happy holidays and all the best for 2017!
August 19th 2016
All kittens left the nest between August 5th and 8th and all are doing well in their new homes! I love looking at the pictures of the kittens in their new homes, with their new friends. Now that they are gone, the house is a lot cleaner and less smelly but it's also so much quieter. I am really missing them now.
Another reason why I feel especially sad is because these will be our last nests for a while (forever if it's up to my husband;)) . We will not be breeding kittens for a few years as it became obvious the last few months that having full-time jobs, a commute etc. just do not go together with having a cattery. Kittens require an enormous amount of time and effort so that means we had no time for ourselves. Also, breeding is incredibly expensive if done the way I like it to be done (costs a lot more than what the kittens are sold for) so when I am not keeping a kitten for my own breeding plans, it seems rather stupid to continue spending thousands, spend hours and hours cleaning, take days off to play/socialise with the kittens and to have damaged furniture:D
Pipje will be neutered and Eleanor will be on suprelorin (this means she won't call for around 2 years). When she does go into heat again, we will re-evaluate our choice. Eleanor's kittens were gorgeous and have such amazing characters- if we do breed her again next time, I would probably keep a kitten. Pipje is 5 years old and if we were to wait 2 years, she'd be a 7-year-old mum which is technically acceptable (if in good condition)-however, we now know that having these 2 cats as mothers at the same time = war so we can really only have 1 nest and if I had to choose, I would neuter Pipje since she's already had 3 nests, is older and because I already have Eleanor from her.
We'll continue updating the website once in a while.
Another reason why I feel especially sad is because these will be our last nests for a while (forever if it's up to my husband;)) . We will not be breeding kittens for a few years as it became obvious the last few months that having full-time jobs, a commute etc. just do not go together with having a cattery. Kittens require an enormous amount of time and effort so that means we had no time for ourselves. Also, breeding is incredibly expensive if done the way I like it to be done (costs a lot more than what the kittens are sold for) so when I am not keeping a kitten for my own breeding plans, it seems rather stupid to continue spending thousands, spend hours and hours cleaning, take days off to play/socialise with the kittens and to have damaged furniture:D
Pipje will be neutered and Eleanor will be on suprelorin (this means she won't call for around 2 years). When she does go into heat again, we will re-evaluate our choice. Eleanor's kittens were gorgeous and have such amazing characters- if we do breed her again next time, I would probably keep a kitten. Pipje is 5 years old and if we were to wait 2 years, she'd be a 7-year-old mum which is technically acceptable (if in good condition)-however, we now know that having these 2 cats as mothers at the same time = war so we can really only have 1 nest and if I had to choose, I would neuter Pipje since she's already had 3 nests, is older and because I already have Eleanor from her.
We'll continue updating the website once in a while.
July 23rd 2016
Somewhat delayed but better late than never! A very happy 2nd birthday to our 2014 nest (born July 14th 2014)!
The nest consisted of 4 kittens, 2 cream boys and 2 lilac girls and it was a dream nest, with no cesareans, no accidents, no illnesses etc. They grew beautifully, tore the house down (as kittens do) and then left to join their new families at 13 weeks old. We kept a lilac girl, Eleanor, who is now mum to 4 kittens of her own.
A short message of each kitten (according to birth order):
Milo (cream boy)- he lives with Buttercup (Luna) in Bennebroek and he is about 6.8 kilos. He's allowed to sleep in the bedroom with his owners and wakes his lady boss up by washing her hair (which she thinks is sweet but she can wash her own hair, thankyouverymuch);) I always suspected that Milo was going to be the most needy one despite him being somewhat distant initially- reason being he's the kind of cat who's probably not everyone's friend but is absolutely devoted to his family (I suspect Bo is like that too). Milo is allowed out in his garden and loves climbing trees.
Roly Poly (cream boy)- He was ,understandably, re-named to Sam and lives with a British Shorthair blue tortie, called Saar as well as 2 humans who are completely devoted to him. He is very happy and according to people who've seen him, a huge and friendly cat. He was almost 8 kilos but is now around 7.2 kilos- all muscle from what I hear! Unfortunately, a few months ago, Sam was diagnosed with a very rare hip condition which required surgery. The specialist says that this happens sometimes for no particular reason but the good news is that it can be fixed by the surgery. Sam is responding well physically and hasn't lost his great personality nor is he afraid of the vet! He loves sleeping in too-small baskets(If I sits, I fits...)
Eleanor (lilac girl)- We weren't planning on keeping any but at some point, my husband said that I could and he didn't need to mention that twice! I ended up choosing Eleanor because she was less like her mum than Buttercup. Eleanor was calmer and more gentle (which I thought was necessary because Pipje has quite a strong character). Absolutely no regrets, she's grown to be a lovely cat, been nominated Best in Show a few times, and is just such a happy, easygoing thing that having her in the home hasn't been a problem at all (until now, when both Pipje and her are mothers-Pipje is the aggressor though).
Buttercup (lilac girl)- She was renamed Luna and gets to live with her brother, Milo. Luna turned out to be the independent one- she does whatever she feels like which at the moment, is catching flies. That said, she is pretty friendly and everyone loves her. Like Milo, Luna is able to go out into the garden which she thoroughly enjoys. She entertains herself by catching mice and who knows what. It must be nice for her to have all these fun things to do!
The nest consisted of 4 kittens, 2 cream boys and 2 lilac girls and it was a dream nest, with no cesareans, no accidents, no illnesses etc. They grew beautifully, tore the house down (as kittens do) and then left to join their new families at 13 weeks old. We kept a lilac girl, Eleanor, who is now mum to 4 kittens of her own.
A short message of each kitten (according to birth order):
Milo (cream boy)- he lives with Buttercup (Luna) in Bennebroek and he is about 6.8 kilos. He's allowed to sleep in the bedroom with his owners and wakes his lady boss up by washing her hair (which she thinks is sweet but she can wash her own hair, thankyouverymuch);) I always suspected that Milo was going to be the most needy one despite him being somewhat distant initially- reason being he's the kind of cat who's probably not everyone's friend but is absolutely devoted to his family (I suspect Bo is like that too). Milo is allowed out in his garden and loves climbing trees.
Roly Poly (cream boy)- He was ,understandably, re-named to Sam and lives with a British Shorthair blue tortie, called Saar as well as 2 humans who are completely devoted to him. He is very happy and according to people who've seen him, a huge and friendly cat. He was almost 8 kilos but is now around 7.2 kilos- all muscle from what I hear! Unfortunately, a few months ago, Sam was diagnosed with a very rare hip condition which required surgery. The specialist says that this happens sometimes for no particular reason but the good news is that it can be fixed by the surgery. Sam is responding well physically and hasn't lost his great personality nor is he afraid of the vet! He loves sleeping in too-small baskets(If I sits, I fits...)
Eleanor (lilac girl)- We weren't planning on keeping any but at some point, my husband said that I could and he didn't need to mention that twice! I ended up choosing Eleanor because she was less like her mum than Buttercup. Eleanor was calmer and more gentle (which I thought was necessary because Pipje has quite a strong character). Absolutely no regrets, she's grown to be a lovely cat, been nominated Best in Show a few times, and is just such a happy, easygoing thing that having her in the home hasn't been a problem at all (until now, when both Pipje and her are mothers-Pipje is the aggressor though).
Buttercup (lilac girl)- She was renamed Luna and gets to live with her brother, Milo. Luna turned out to be the independent one- she does whatever she feels like which at the moment, is catching flies. That said, she is pretty friendly and everyone loves her. Like Milo, Luna is able to go out into the garden which she thoroughly enjoys. She entertains herself by catching mice and who knows what. It must be nice for her to have all these fun things to do!
July 9th 2016

The kittens turned 9 weeks old last Thursday and Friday. They are much more coordinated and more 'conscious'if that makes sense. They are able to go up and down our 2m high scratch post as well as the staircase quite safely now so as of yesterday, we decided to let them out of the 'enclosure' with free access to the living room when we're home. By the way, the kittens are already able to jump out of the 'ren' so Dutchman had to build a makeshift fort of sorts;)
The kittens were also de-wormed on June 26th and will be vaccinated for the first time either on July 22nd, 23rd or 26th (I've taken leave on the 22nd and 26th) depending on the vet's availability and my access to a car. Both mums as well as all kittens will be going to the vet- the kittens for the vaccination and microchip and mums for the 'navelbreukverklaring' (a relatively recent requirement from Mundikat for the pedigrees). We will de-worm them again in a few weeks and then they should be set to leave at 13 weeks old or later.
The kittens are already going through quite a lot of meat now but that's good in my eyes so I'm not complaining;) They also know how to eat kibble. Toilet training is also going well- next week, I'll probably teach them how to use the litter box with the 'klapdeur'.
I must say that caring for 8 kittens and their mums is really quite exhausting when we both work full-time and have a commute so I think we'll be taking a break from breeding after this (maybe a few years until things hopefully calm down a bit!).
About each individual kitten:
1. Bo- He was such a mummy's boy but he's a little less so now. We sometimes leave him with Ellie and her babies instead of with Pipje, hoping that it'd help with his dependency on mum. I think it worked. He's still a whiny boy but hey, that's just his personality so we're not planning on changing that:) He does come up to us,is quite the purrer and generally has a good character so we're not too worried about him being 'unadjusted':)
2. Gus- Gus is big and a bit 'brutale' but he's also friendly which is what I like about him. He's always ready to play and interested in what we do. Gus is going to live with my colleague and his wife so I'll probably get updates from him quite often (yay!);) Although Gus is the biggest kitten, he's not a bully. He loves being with his sisters and brothers and loves his food. The only thing he doesn't enjoy is being weighed! Oh by the way, he will be called "Biber" (Pepper in Turkish).
3. Coco- She is very playful, interactive and just as stubborn as her mother. This is the kitten who can keep scratching at the windows of the 'ren' until you give in and take her out. She can keep at it for quite a while. I can't be mad at her though; she is just so cute and so fun to be with. She also has beautiful eyes.
4. Tobi- As I type this, Tobi is sleeping right next to me (on the top of the couch- head on my side near my shoulder, tail on the other side of the couch- just hanging there) and purring at the same time. That's just typical of Tobi- eventhough I don't particular pay extra attention to him, he is STILL so affectionate and loves us so whole heartedly. His new family is very lucky (I think!). He loves to purr and is such a happy, sweet guy.
5. Katnip- She will be known as Guusje by her new family and I think the name fits her really well. Katnip (whose nickname is Mini Pechje) is a very funny, sweet girl with a cobby little body. Too bad that she also has a white patch, if not I would've probably kept her (my husband is probably happy about the white patch though);) In the last few weeks, she's really started to seek our attention. She loves being stroked and has needy mews. Sometimes when she's in the living room and suddenly feels a bit lost/lonely, she will mew very loudly and pathetically and both I and her mummy will run to her. She is then, very happy and starts purring again:)
6. Great Catsby- this guy is just so 'balanced' physically and handsome. He will be living with Picatso, who is also a lilac boy and you can tell them apart easily because Catsby has mackeral tabby ghost markings (ghost markings mean they will disappear when he's older) but of course, by now I know them well enough to tell them apart based on expression and the actual face;) Catsby is active and fun- he's always up for fun and games and always ready to investigate new places and new toys. Catsby and Picatso's owners may be moving to Germany a few weeks after they leave the nest. It was quite unexpected and not preferred but at least they are together so the stress will not be as much as it would have been if he/Picatso were alone.
7. KitKat- I love KitKat. She loves me too;) She always comes straight to me and looks at me with big, sad eyes. Because she was the smallest amongst our kittens the last few weeks, I was a little naughty and decided to leave her with Pipje during the day instead of with her mum, Ellie. Pipje has either more milk or richer milk which is why her babies tend to be bigger. I think it worked because KitKat has caught up;)
8. Picatso- Handsome Picatso is still handsome and still has his big head. What's great about Picatso is how gentle he is and how he is so 'sloom'. When we carry him, he just hangs there like a ragdoll;) Sometimes my husband will ask me if he's not brain damaged or something but I promise you that Picatso isn't! Anyway the moment you put him down, he'll play, run and jump about so there's nothing odd about him!
The kittens were also de-wormed on June 26th and will be vaccinated for the first time either on July 22nd, 23rd or 26th (I've taken leave on the 22nd and 26th) depending on the vet's availability and my access to a car. Both mums as well as all kittens will be going to the vet- the kittens for the vaccination and microchip and mums for the 'navelbreukverklaring' (a relatively recent requirement from Mundikat for the pedigrees). We will de-worm them again in a few weeks and then they should be set to leave at 13 weeks old or later.
The kittens are already going through quite a lot of meat now but that's good in my eyes so I'm not complaining;) They also know how to eat kibble. Toilet training is also going well- next week, I'll probably teach them how to use the litter box with the 'klapdeur'.
I must say that caring for 8 kittens and their mums is really quite exhausting when we both work full-time and have a commute so I think we'll be taking a break from breeding after this (maybe a few years until things hopefully calm down a bit!).
About each individual kitten:
1. Bo- He was such a mummy's boy but he's a little less so now. We sometimes leave him with Ellie and her babies instead of with Pipje, hoping that it'd help with his dependency on mum. I think it worked. He's still a whiny boy but hey, that's just his personality so we're not planning on changing that:) He does come up to us,is quite the purrer and generally has a good character so we're not too worried about him being 'unadjusted':)
2. Gus- Gus is big and a bit 'brutale' but he's also friendly which is what I like about him. He's always ready to play and interested in what we do. Gus is going to live with my colleague and his wife so I'll probably get updates from him quite often (yay!);) Although Gus is the biggest kitten, he's not a bully. He loves being with his sisters and brothers and loves his food. The only thing he doesn't enjoy is being weighed! Oh by the way, he will be called "Biber" (Pepper in Turkish).
3. Coco- She is very playful, interactive and just as stubborn as her mother. This is the kitten who can keep scratching at the windows of the 'ren' until you give in and take her out. She can keep at it for quite a while. I can't be mad at her though; she is just so cute and so fun to be with. She also has beautiful eyes.
4. Tobi- As I type this, Tobi is sleeping right next to me (on the top of the couch- head on my side near my shoulder, tail on the other side of the couch- just hanging there) and purring at the same time. That's just typical of Tobi- eventhough I don't particular pay extra attention to him, he is STILL so affectionate and loves us so whole heartedly. His new family is very lucky (I think!). He loves to purr and is such a happy, sweet guy.
5. Katnip- She will be known as Guusje by her new family and I think the name fits her really well. Katnip (whose nickname is Mini Pechje) is a very funny, sweet girl with a cobby little body. Too bad that she also has a white patch, if not I would've probably kept her (my husband is probably happy about the white patch though);) In the last few weeks, she's really started to seek our attention. She loves being stroked and has needy mews. Sometimes when she's in the living room and suddenly feels a bit lost/lonely, she will mew very loudly and pathetically and both I and her mummy will run to her. She is then, very happy and starts purring again:)
6. Great Catsby- this guy is just so 'balanced' physically and handsome. He will be living with Picatso, who is also a lilac boy and you can tell them apart easily because Catsby has mackeral tabby ghost markings (ghost markings mean they will disappear when he's older) but of course, by now I know them well enough to tell them apart based on expression and the actual face;) Catsby is active and fun- he's always up for fun and games and always ready to investigate new places and new toys. Catsby and Picatso's owners may be moving to Germany a few weeks after they leave the nest. It was quite unexpected and not preferred but at least they are together so the stress will not be as much as it would have been if he/Picatso were alone.
7. KitKat- I love KitKat. She loves me too;) She always comes straight to me and looks at me with big, sad eyes. Because she was the smallest amongst our kittens the last few weeks, I was a little naughty and decided to leave her with Pipje during the day instead of with her mum, Ellie. Pipje has either more milk or richer milk which is why her babies tend to be bigger. I think it worked because KitKat has caught up;)
8. Picatso- Handsome Picatso is still handsome and still has his big head. What's great about Picatso is how gentle he is and how he is so 'sloom'. When we carry him, he just hangs there like a ragdoll;) Sometimes my husband will ask me if he's not brain damaged or something but I promise you that Picatso isn't! Anyway the moment you put him down, he'll play, run and jump about so there's nothing odd about him!
June 19th 2016

The kittens are just over 6 weeks old now and are such great fun to be with. We've been very busy with them so haven't had much time to update the news section. I am really enjoying my time with them although it is a lot of work. I've taken a few days off here and there and have reserved all weekends for them until they leave the nest in August. They are generally crazy in the mornings but then quiet down for a few hours in the afternoon before being quite even for the rest of the day. I love how they already have personalities.
Their mums are still not getting along so they take turns to be with all 8 babies when we're home. When we're at work, each litter stays with their respective mum (Pipje in a bedroom upstairs and Eleanor downstairs).That's too bad but it is what it is.
The kittens love both mums and likewise, both mums love all the babies.
Their mums are still not getting along so they take turns to be with all 8 babies when we're home. When we're at work, each litter stays with their respective mum (Pipje in a bedroom upstairs and Eleanor downstairs).That's too bad but it is what it is.
The kittens love both mums and likewise, both mums love all the babies.
June 10th 2016
Happy 4th Birthday to our first nest! They are 4 years old today.
Pechje, the first-born, is still her usual self: funny, happy and getting used to being climbed upon by kittens. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts sleeping with them soon (well, the last time, it was the kittens who went to sleep with her so she was surrounded by them).
Bella (Cerulean) is still spoilt and a princess. She is so spoiled that her owners are thinking of getting a playmate just for her entertainment so who knows...perhaps there will soon be a kitten friend?;)
Miu (Marjorelle) is the proud older sister to a human baby boy. Her owners say "Most of the time Miu is waiting for some challenges or searching for it. She is also attentively and smart. Pretending she is sleeping, but within a few minutes looking at something we left on the table. We can't leave the door unlocked or open, because she will take a sprint to the bedrooms and lays under the bed playing and purrying loud, because she knows we can't reach her. She is very curious, so if i wait outside the bedroom she wants to see what I am doing, looks around the corner and i can catch her again. "
Mixie (Periwinkle) is also having fun. Today, she was on the balcony, sleeping with her tummy up. She is still a lap cat (I think probably the only true lap cat we've ever had- British Shorthairs aren't usually lap sitters although they love being next to you).
Roderik the only boy is also well. His owners call him "The King" and they are his servants;) In Dutch "Roderik is nog steeds mooi,lief,leuk,gezond en kieskeurig en weegt 6220 gr. We zijn heel gelukkig met onze KONING !"
I miss them all but it's wonderful that they are have great owners who take good care of them and whom are kind enough to keep me updated.
Pechje, the first-born, is still her usual self: funny, happy and getting used to being climbed upon by kittens. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts sleeping with them soon (well, the last time, it was the kittens who went to sleep with her so she was surrounded by them).
Bella (Cerulean) is still spoilt and a princess. She is so spoiled that her owners are thinking of getting a playmate just for her entertainment so who knows...perhaps there will soon be a kitten friend?;)
Miu (Marjorelle) is the proud older sister to a human baby boy. Her owners say "Most of the time Miu is waiting for some challenges or searching for it. She is also attentively and smart. Pretending she is sleeping, but within a few minutes looking at something we left on the table. We can't leave the door unlocked or open, because she will take a sprint to the bedrooms and lays under the bed playing and purrying loud, because she knows we can't reach her. She is very curious, so if i wait outside the bedroom she wants to see what I am doing, looks around the corner and i can catch her again. "
Mixie (Periwinkle) is also having fun. Today, she was on the balcony, sleeping with her tummy up. She is still a lap cat (I think probably the only true lap cat we've ever had- British Shorthairs aren't usually lap sitters although they love being next to you).
Roderik the only boy is also well. His owners call him "The King" and they are his servants;) In Dutch "Roderik is nog steeds mooi,lief,leuk,gezond en kieskeurig en weegt 6220 gr. We zijn heel gelukkig met onze KONING !"
I miss them all but it's wonderful that they are have great owners who take good care of them and whom are kind enough to keep me updated.
May 28th 2016
It's been very busy at our home with the 2 litters now.
The kittens are a little over 3 weeks old. Last week, I decided to move Pipje's babies out of their box as little Gus kept trying to climb out of it and it wasn't a big a box anyway (Eleanor has a bigger box). They also have a scratch post in it and perhaps next week, I'll also include a kitten litter box and start feeding Pipje in the kitten pen (kittenren) so that the kittens can observe mum and learn. Incidently, I did take Pipje's babies downstairs last week but Pipje was not impressed at all and started to carry them (guess who was the first one to be carried upstairs?) back to the nest. That gave me a bit of a heart attack (what if she were to drop them whilst carrying them upstairs?) so I might just leave her in the 'office' for a few more weeks.
Eleanor's babies are doing well too. Oddly, Eleanor's more relaxed than Pipje now. I took her babies downstairs (just to 'play') and Eleanor was fine with it. They still live in their box but I will probably move them to a spacious kitten pen in around 2 weeks. They are active and just horribly sweet. I love them.
Unfortunately, it seems that Pipje's hormones are still acting up and she refuses to accept Eleanor as part of the household so they are still separated. According to a cat behaviorist, we will have to keep them separated until the kittens leave the nest. That complicates things a bit (e.g. would be nice to have both cats and litters in the living room together). My husband is luckily a great support and helps with socialising one nest while I play with the other one!
The kittens are a little over 3 weeks old. Last week, I decided to move Pipje's babies out of their box as little Gus kept trying to climb out of it and it wasn't a big a box anyway (Eleanor has a bigger box). They also have a scratch post in it and perhaps next week, I'll also include a kitten litter box and start feeding Pipje in the kitten pen (kittenren) so that the kittens can observe mum and learn. Incidently, I did take Pipje's babies downstairs last week but Pipje was not impressed at all and started to carry them (guess who was the first one to be carried upstairs?) back to the nest. That gave me a bit of a heart attack (what if she were to drop them whilst carrying them upstairs?) so I might just leave her in the 'office' for a few more weeks.
Eleanor's babies are doing well too. Oddly, Eleanor's more relaxed than Pipje now. I took her babies downstairs (just to 'play') and Eleanor was fine with it. They still live in their box but I will probably move them to a spacious kitten pen in around 2 weeks. They are active and just horribly sweet. I love them.
Unfortunately, it seems that Pipje's hormones are still acting up and she refuses to accept Eleanor as part of the household so they are still separated. According to a cat behaviorist, we will have to keep them separated until the kittens leave the nest. That complicates things a bit (e.g. would be nice to have both cats and litters in the living room together). My husband is luckily a great support and helps with socialising one nest while I play with the other one!
May 10th 2016
The kittens are growing nicely. As this is Pipje's 3rd nest, she's pretty relaxed. She does not even mind when the kittens cry when we pick them up (it's normal at this age). Eleanor is still a little nervous (again, totally normal as a first-time mum) but she's accepted the kittens fully. She is so protective of them which is funny to watch.
Unfortunately, both Pipje and Eleanor still hate each other which I'm completely astonished by. They were so close (they were even sleeping on top of one another while Pipje was having contractions) but after Pipje gave birth, they became temporary enemies. Both of them do accept Pechje and Mevrouw F. though. Other experienced breeders tell me that this happens sometimes and is due to hormones. The mothers can be re-introduced when the kittens are around 4/5 weeks old. I am a little sad about it as I had pictured them both mothering together but it is what it is. Now that I am aware of that, next time, I should probably plan their nests at different times of the year;) In regards to the kittens, I am starting to know them better (although they are of course, still very young so don't really do much other than drink and sleep). I haven't been able to take many pictures as I don't want to disturb both mums too much but perhaps this weekend, I'll take some individual photos. The latest breakdown: Pipje's Babies 1 cream boy 2 lilac boys 1 cream girl Eleanor's Babies 2 lilac torties girls 2 lilac boys We have had a lot of interest in these 2 nests, some have even waited 2 years(!) which I'm honoured by. We always want the best families for the kittens and final decisions will be made mutually and upon meeting when the kittens are around 5 weeks old. In general, families who can provide homes for 2 kittens (or who already have another cat at home) are preferred as British Shorthairs are indoor only and would appreciate some feline companion. All kittens will be neutered prior to leaving the nest at between 13-16 weeks old (depending on my vet's advice and how I think the kittens are doing). Our vet also posted a short video of Ellie after her caesarean- you may check it out on their Facebook page: |
May 6th 2016

I'm pleased to announce the births of a total of 8 Purrfect Paws kittens:)
They were both difficult births and one was quite dramatic. We are completely and totally exhausted. My sleep was heavily interrupted, my back feels broken as I've been sitting on the floor comforting/keeping an eye on mum and trying to work on my laptop at the same time and I spent last night on the bathroom floor. You realise how much you must love these things if you are willing to sleep next to the toilet bowl on a cold tiled floor whilst knowing you have to work tomorrow;)
Pipje gave birth yesterday afternoon after a 32 hour labour (it was not intense but very, very long) to 4 kittens- 2 creams (1 boy, 1 girl), 1 lilac boy and 1 lilac tortie girl:
According to birth order:
D.O.B. May 5th 2016
1. Cream boy (1400 hours, paw first, 95g)
2. Lilac boy (1521 hours, breech baby, 98g)
3. Cream girl (1530 hours, head first, 76g)
4. Lilac tortie girl (1621 hours, head first, 78g)
Both Pipje and Ellie were extremely close (I've never met cats that close and disgusting before) but after Pipje had her babies, there was a fight so we separated them.
I woke up shortly after midnight to find that Ellie was in labour and there was already a large 'vochtbel'. First-time mothers are often very nervous at labour as they are not sure what's going on (first time, Pipje gave birth on the floor all over the living room etc.) . Ellie was running about, digging frantically and was constantly on the move so we decided to move her to the bathroom. 40 minutes later, the bubble was burst but there was still no baby and no contractions whatsoever. At around 2.30a.m., there was still no baby so I called the emergency service just to be safe. She said that since Ellie is not having contractions and is not in terrible distress, we could wait and see if it would happen naturally. At 9 this morning, there was still no change and Ellie was getting a bit dramatic so we took some time off from work (I took Mon-Wed and Thurs was a public holiday but of course... cats...) and took her to the vet immediately. As there was a burst 'vochtbel' and it happened such a long time ago, we assumed that there was a dead kitten obstructing the birth canal.
So there was no choice but to opt for a caesarean. Ellie also had 4 kittens. Since we were at the vet's, we couldn't keep track of who was first, times (it was after 1100 for sure) etc. Once it got going, it happened very quickly, we had to rub them (to stimulate breathing), put them here for an injection, there for something else etc. so at some point, I didn't know who was who anymore. Too bad;) The good news is there was no dead kitten, all are alive. There was a kitten stuck but she made it:)
D.O.B.: May 6th 2016
Not in order of birth (I have pictures but can't upload them):
1. Lilac tortie (79g- this is the one which was stuck)
2. Lilac/lilac tortie (102g- I'm guessing this is a lilac boy)
3. Lilac tortie (98g)
4. Lilac or lilac-tortie (92g)
Eleanor has obviously gone through quite an ordeal so she needs some recovery time. It took a long time before the kittens could drink (Pipje helped)and Eleanor had no idea what they were but finally just an hour ago, she decided to go near them so I think we might be OK now.
We're still not out of the woods but Ellie is a sweet girl and the kittens are active so hopefully, it will end well.
May 2nd 2016
We are still waiting... The ladies are definitely not in a hurry
April 23rd 2016

Just a little note to say that both girls are definitely pregnant. Pipje is due next Sunday(May 1st) and Ellie on Wednesday. They are so funny together, I have a feeling they will be sharing their motherly duties together and may very well steal each other's babies! Neither are big so we'll probably end up having 2-3 kittens each:)
March 1st 2016

We went from 0 to 10 very quickly. We took Pipje and Ellie for their HCM tests on February 19th (both were fine, yay). They both did not show signs of calling at all but it was a quiet time at work so I thought I could just take the morning off for this. It was a good thing I did because a few days later (Thursday last week), Pipje decided to start singing. The stud I planned for Pipje was just castrated so I had to find a new boy on very short notice (less than 24 hours:)). Luckily, the stud I liked (Eleanor was supposed to stay with him) was available so we dropped Pipje off there. He was interested in her immediately and was very sweet. Not even an hour after I arrived home, they had their first mating!
Ellie was a little noisy that night and I suspected that she was either looking for Pipje or in heat (eek! I already stole her husband and gave him to Pipje!). Turns out that she was in heat and a very strong one at that too. She was/is extremely vocal. If I thought Pipje was bad, Ellie is worse. We got no sleep and I am afraid our neighbours might not have either so I knew I had to get this solved fast.
I spoke to Uncas' (the stud) owner and she said that Uncas and Pipje had already mated around 10 times. While 2 days is a pretty short date, it should be enough. Also, Uncas is not tired yet so it is not a problem for him to mate with Eleanor too. I brought Eleanor to Uncas yesterday and took Pipje home. This is the first time Ellie has ever stayed outside of our house plus of course, she is a maiden queen too so she was a little quiet once she was there. Uncas was again, immediately attracted to her (he is sweet, not the kind who would jump on her immediately!) so he stood below her stool and chatted with her (really, he was chirping) for a long time. I heard that they have mated twice. At the moment, they are sleeping together which is kind off cute.
I'm hoping to pick Ellie up on Friday. It's been pretty crazy with all the tests, driving, meetings etc. but I'm also really excited about our 2016 nests! We have never had 2 nests before and now we're having 2 nests at the same time! The girls are pretty close and should be able to mother together. Pipje is a great mum who'll support Ellie if she needs it.
The litters are expected on:
May 1st 2016
Sire: International Champion Brimere's Uncas Last of Macka
Dam: Champion Elfjespoesjes Bella Donna
Colours from this mating: Cream (boys and girls), lilac (boys only) and lilac-tortie (girls only)
May 3rd 2016
Sire: International Champion Brimere's Uncas Last of Macka
Dam: Eleanor with Purrfect Paws
Colours from this mating: Lilac (boys only), and lilac-tortie (girls only)
Ellie was a little noisy that night and I suspected that she was either looking for Pipje or in heat (eek! I already stole her husband and gave him to Pipje!). Turns out that she was in heat and a very strong one at that too. She was/is extremely vocal. If I thought Pipje was bad, Ellie is worse. We got no sleep and I am afraid our neighbours might not have either so I knew I had to get this solved fast.
I spoke to Uncas' (the stud) owner and she said that Uncas and Pipje had already mated around 10 times. While 2 days is a pretty short date, it should be enough. Also, Uncas is not tired yet so it is not a problem for him to mate with Eleanor too. I brought Eleanor to Uncas yesterday and took Pipje home. This is the first time Ellie has ever stayed outside of our house plus of course, she is a maiden queen too so she was a little quiet once she was there. Uncas was again, immediately attracted to her (he is sweet, not the kind who would jump on her immediately!) so he stood below her stool and chatted with her (really, he was chirping) for a long time. I heard that they have mated twice. At the moment, they are sleeping together which is kind off cute.
I'm hoping to pick Ellie up on Friday. It's been pretty crazy with all the tests, driving, meetings etc. but I'm also really excited about our 2016 nests! We have never had 2 nests before and now we're having 2 nests at the same time! The girls are pretty close and should be able to mother together. Pipje is a great mum who'll support Ellie if she needs it.
The litters are expected on:
May 1st 2016
Sire: International Champion Brimere's Uncas Last of Macka
Dam: Champion Elfjespoesjes Bella Donna
Colours from this mating: Cream (boys and girls), lilac (boys only) and lilac-tortie (girls only)
May 3rd 2016
Sire: International Champion Brimere's Uncas Last of Macka
Dam: Eleanor with Purrfect Paws
Colours from this mating: Lilac (boys only), and lilac-tortie (girls only)
January 17th 2016

Happy New Year!!
It's been a while since I last updated. The reason is that there really is not very much to tell cat-wise. Pipje was sent on a date sometime in May last year and had a phantom pregnancy. I knew she was not pregnant as she behaved differently compared to when she was pregnant with our previous nests. About a week before her 'due date', I took her to the vet for an echo just to be sure. The vet said she could see 2 things beating but it could also be Pipje's heart (lol) and it was not clear so to come back next week for a better look. That is obviously weird because at 50+ days, the kittens should have looked more obvious than 2 'beating things'. Anyway, that is exactly why one should go to a specialist for HCM echos rather than a normal vet. That very evening (not even one hour after we got home from the vet), Pipje started calling;) We took her again to Easy but this time, she apparently just did not like him at all so we picked her up and that was that.
As we had some holidays and work planned, we decided to let both girls wait for matings in October but I suppose we were just a little too late. By then, the girls had decided it was winter and it was time for them to take a break from being sexy;)
We hope to have nests (hopefully at the same time) with the same studs we had planned for last year (Pipje will go to Easy, Ellie will go to Uncas) sometime in spring/summer. We are basically ready whenever the girls start calling although I do want to take Pipje to her HCM test again (she was last scanned in March 2015 and although she did not have a nest last year, it's best for me to take her again this year).
I have brought Ellie to the show a few times. I'll be honest and say that I am not the best at showing- I just don't know how to hold the cats properly and the cats, being already nervous (due to strangers, new environment etc.) can see that I don't feel at home too. Ellie's done quite well, despite the audience laughing at my horrible showmanship half the time. Personally, I find shows very boring (long days, very early mornings and when you work full-time, spending 0600-1900 at a show is just not your idea of a perfect Sunday) but I do think that shows are very necessary as a breeder. You learn more about the breed standard, meet other breeders whom you can share information with and also just to see the other cats out there (as in how much they fit into the breed standard compared to yours- when you don't see them side by side, you don't really know how nice -or not- your cat is).
Besides the 2 open girls, both neuters (Pechje and Miss F.) are also fine. Miss F. spends most of her life asleep on an orange pillow and Pechje is... Pechje. She still runs around the kitchen island, still loves sleeping on a certain warm tile in our hallway, still enjoys her food, still loves scratching a certain wall and still loves her little foam balls.
It's been a while since I last updated. The reason is that there really is not very much to tell cat-wise. Pipje was sent on a date sometime in May last year and had a phantom pregnancy. I knew she was not pregnant as she behaved differently compared to when she was pregnant with our previous nests. About a week before her 'due date', I took her to the vet for an echo just to be sure. The vet said she could see 2 things beating but it could also be Pipje's heart (lol) and it was not clear so to come back next week for a better look. That is obviously weird because at 50+ days, the kittens should have looked more obvious than 2 'beating things'. Anyway, that is exactly why one should go to a specialist for HCM echos rather than a normal vet. That very evening (not even one hour after we got home from the vet), Pipje started calling;) We took her again to Easy but this time, she apparently just did not like him at all so we picked her up and that was that.
As we had some holidays and work planned, we decided to let both girls wait for matings in October but I suppose we were just a little too late. By then, the girls had decided it was winter and it was time for them to take a break from being sexy;)
We hope to have nests (hopefully at the same time) with the same studs we had planned for last year (Pipje will go to Easy, Ellie will go to Uncas) sometime in spring/summer. We are basically ready whenever the girls start calling although I do want to take Pipje to her HCM test again (she was last scanned in March 2015 and although she did not have a nest last year, it's best for me to take her again this year).
I have brought Ellie to the show a few times. I'll be honest and say that I am not the best at showing- I just don't know how to hold the cats properly and the cats, being already nervous (due to strangers, new environment etc.) can see that I don't feel at home too. Ellie's done quite well, despite the audience laughing at my horrible showmanship half the time. Personally, I find shows very boring (long days, very early mornings and when you work full-time, spending 0600-1900 at a show is just not your idea of a perfect Sunday) but I do think that shows are very necessary as a breeder. You learn more about the breed standard, meet other breeders whom you can share information with and also just to see the other cats out there (as in how much they fit into the breed standard compared to yours- when you don't see them side by side, you don't really know how nice -or not- your cat is).
Besides the 2 open girls, both neuters (Pechje and Miss F.) are also fine. Miss F. spends most of her life asleep on an orange pillow and Pechje is... Pechje. She still runs around the kitchen island, still loves sleeping on a certain warm tile in our hallway, still enjoys her food, still loves scratching a certain wall and still loves her little foam balls.
August 16th 2015
Eleanor with Purrfect Paws was tested for HCM and PKD by recognised radiologist, Natascha de Heer. last Wednesday and she passed! She was already tested for PKD via DNA sometime back but I do like to send cats for a follow up just in case the saliva swab (for the DNA) is a false negative. Anyway, I kind off see it a kidney check-up. I won't do a kidney check-up every year but perhaps once every 2-3 years (for PKD, you only need to do an echo once or via DNA).
As she passed both exams, our plans to breed her will proceed. She is still rather kitten-like, so I'll take her to stud (Uncas) in mid-October or so. Uncas will also be tested for HCM soon. |
July 22nd 2015
A very belated Happy Birthday (DOB July 14th)to our 2014 nest!!! The 4 kits are one year old now. I still have pictures of when they were little tiny furballs in my phone which I flip through every once in a while. It was an easy nest, with absolutely no issues nor troubles at all.
Milo is the oldest and lives with the youngest, Buttercup (Luna), with a family. He was always sweet but rather shy when he was a kitten. He wasn't sure about strangers but he always loved us (and now, his family) dearly. He has a very whiny mew (just like he had when was a kitten!) and is a large cat. When he wrestles with Luna, he obviously always wins! He's mostly a very well-behaved boy though!
Roly Poly (Sam) was chosen due to his personality. He lives with a female British Shorthair, Sara in Deventer. He is also a pretty large boy who according to his owners, is getting more and more needy (which they like) :) Roly Poly was my husband's favourite because he was definitely a boy's boy, yet really sweet. He used to sleep on/next to me after he was tired of playing. He was the biggest kitten for quite a while but he never figured out how to jump out of the 'kittenren'. When we were at work, we'd watch the other kittens climb out of the kittenren and running all over downstairs (we preferred not to let them do this because our staircase is in the living room) but poor Sam was always stuck playing by himself in the kittenren. Poor thing!
Eleanor (Ellie) is staying with us and is our pride and joy. She is a friendly, chubby little thing with beautiful eyes. She's found a place within the group and is very well-liked by everyone. She is generally very well-behaved and easygoing. Most of all, I love how she is always so happy. I've never met such a happy, cheerful thing in my life. Sadly, I don't think she loves shows but is OK with it provided she gets to sit on my shoulder. She will be going for her first HCM test in August and if that is OK, she may have her first nest end of this year.
Finally, we have the baby of the nest, Buttercup (Luna)! She lives with Milo (lucky her) and I really had to take a second look when I saw a recent photo of her. She looks just like Pipje. According to her owners, Luna is a very smart, independent girl. Luna's always been a very lovable girl so I'm not surprised! If there's one cat who would benefit from living with children, it is Luna so I'm glad that she has 2 children (older children then, teens I'd say) to accompany her.
Milo is the oldest and lives with the youngest, Buttercup (Luna), with a family. He was always sweet but rather shy when he was a kitten. He wasn't sure about strangers but he always loved us (and now, his family) dearly. He has a very whiny mew (just like he had when was a kitten!) and is a large cat. When he wrestles with Luna, he obviously always wins! He's mostly a very well-behaved boy though!
Roly Poly (Sam) was chosen due to his personality. He lives with a female British Shorthair, Sara in Deventer. He is also a pretty large boy who according to his owners, is getting more and more needy (which they like) :) Roly Poly was my husband's favourite because he was definitely a boy's boy, yet really sweet. He used to sleep on/next to me after he was tired of playing. He was the biggest kitten for quite a while but he never figured out how to jump out of the 'kittenren'. When we were at work, we'd watch the other kittens climb out of the kittenren and running all over downstairs (we preferred not to let them do this because our staircase is in the living room) but poor Sam was always stuck playing by himself in the kittenren. Poor thing!
Eleanor (Ellie) is staying with us and is our pride and joy. She is a friendly, chubby little thing with beautiful eyes. She's found a place within the group and is very well-liked by everyone. She is generally very well-behaved and easygoing. Most of all, I love how she is always so happy. I've never met such a happy, cheerful thing in my life. Sadly, I don't think she loves shows but is OK with it provided she gets to sit on my shoulder. She will be going for her first HCM test in August and if that is OK, she may have her first nest end of this year.
Finally, we have the baby of the nest, Buttercup (Luna)! She lives with Milo (lucky her) and I really had to take a second look when I saw a recent photo of her. She looks just like Pipje. According to her owners, Luna is a very smart, independent girl. Luna's always been a very lovable girl so I'm not surprised! If there's one cat who would benefit from living with children, it is Luna so I'm glad that she has 2 children (older children then, teens I'd say) to accompany her.
July 21st 2015
A little (very much delayed) update on our 2013 nest (Pechje's brother and sisters).
Cerulean (Bella Blue) is still quite the huntress-although not as much as before. She is the only cat and lives with a couple who works from home. I saw some pictures of her and she is a good combination of both mum and dad. She has lovely fur, is very cobby and has round cheeks (especially for a girl!).
Marjorelle (Miu) also still lives with the same family and buddy, Diego. What's exciting is there will be a new member of the family soon (a human baby) so it will be interesting to see how the furbabies will react. Miu seems to have grown to a really large, strong cat. She looks a lot like Pechje (in the nicest way possible, not that she looks 'special'!). On the whole, I think she looks like her dad.
In Capelle a/d Ijssel, lives Periwinkle (Mixie) and her feline friend, Gismo. Mixie is probably the most like Pipje- they look alike, they have almost the same expression and share the same naughty traits. Sometimes, when her owner tells me a story of what Mixie was up to, I really have to laugh because the things she does are all things Pipje used to do! She is still loving but can sometimes be quite the diva.
Finally, we have Roderik (used to be known as Creme de la Creme) who lives in Noord-Brabant. Unfortunately, he was ill on his birthday with an infection :( I was pretty worried about him but luckily, he had started eating, drinking after a few days so all is well with him too (now). He was always my big boy and was always such a kind cat to Pechje when he was little (a gentle giant really).
I'm really pleased that after all these years, I still hear from their owners. This is something really important for me as I care very deeply for my kittens and I love knowing how they are doing!
Cerulean (Bella Blue) is still quite the huntress-although not as much as before. She is the only cat and lives with a couple who works from home. I saw some pictures of her and she is a good combination of both mum and dad. She has lovely fur, is very cobby and has round cheeks (especially for a girl!).
Marjorelle (Miu) also still lives with the same family and buddy, Diego. What's exciting is there will be a new member of the family soon (a human baby) so it will be interesting to see how the furbabies will react. Miu seems to have grown to a really large, strong cat. She looks a lot like Pechje (in the nicest way possible, not that she looks 'special'!). On the whole, I think she looks like her dad.
In Capelle a/d Ijssel, lives Periwinkle (Mixie) and her feline friend, Gismo. Mixie is probably the most like Pipje- they look alike, they have almost the same expression and share the same naughty traits. Sometimes, when her owner tells me a story of what Mixie was up to, I really have to laugh because the things she does are all things Pipje used to do! She is still loving but can sometimes be quite the diva.
Finally, we have Roderik (used to be known as Creme de la Creme) who lives in Noord-Brabant. Unfortunately, he was ill on his birthday with an infection :( I was pretty worried about him but luckily, he had started eating, drinking after a few days so all is well with him too (now). He was always my big boy and was always such a kind cat to Pechje when he was little (a gentle giant really).
I'm really pleased that after all these years, I still hear from their owners. This is something really important for me as I care very deeply for my kittens and I love knowing how they are doing!
June 9th 2015

Pechje will be 3 years old tomorrow- the very first kitten born at Purrfect Paws. She arrived into this world on a doormat (literally- Pipje gave birth to her first nest in various areas of the living room), was normal and healthy for 7 days before a terrible accident caused her to be brain damaged (you know the story...). It was touch-and-go for a while but she survived (not without consequences). While she still suffers from seizures, poor coordination and poor vision, she is a happy little thing who can definitely hold her own. She knows what she wants yet is a 'knufflekontje' and is so very spoilt. She is our favourite and comes running (awkwardly) to us when we come home and looks at you all 'needy-like' until you've given her the attention she demands. Pechje is the only cat in our home who is allowed out (when we are in the garden) and unlike her mum and sister, is great at sharing the bed with us at night. Here's to many more years, my favourite cat (don't tell the others that- they all think they're my favourite)
June 7th 2015
Unfortunately, I don't think Pipje is pregnant so we will most likely not have a nest in July. She will go to Easy when she calls again.
May 2nd 2015

You know how I said that plans change? Well, it changed again! Pipje is on her date now. She started calling yesterday (her 5th call this season) and I decided enough is enough. Everytime she calls, she loses condition and I was afraid my luck (her not getting pyometra) would run out. I'm still hoping that I can somehow push Ellie to only have her nest next year because she's really just a tad too young (officially not but just my opinion).
The father of Pipje's 2015 nest is Easy vom Haus-Bavaria Cats. He is from Germany and has a very interesting pedigree (Israel, Australia, NL, Germany etc.). The meeting with Pipje and Easy went very well today. She definitely likes him, he is more interested in being friends. As he is quite young, he still needs to 'practice'. His owner will be keeping a close eye and let us know if some magic happens;) I miss Pipje but as she looked so comfortable in his pen, I am not really worried. I know she will be fine.
If it works out, the kittens will be lilac/cream/lilac tortie.
The father of Pipje's 2015 nest is Easy vom Haus-Bavaria Cats. He is from Germany and has a very interesting pedigree (Israel, Australia, NL, Germany etc.). The meeting with Pipje and Easy went very well today. She definitely likes him, he is more interested in being friends. As he is quite young, he still needs to 'practice'. His owner will be keeping a close eye and let us know if some magic happens;) I miss Pipje but as she looked so comfortable in his pen, I am not really worried. I know she will be fine.
If it works out, the kittens will be lilac/cream/lilac tortie.
April 28th 2015

We have had some changes in regards to plans the last few months. Here is the latest:
Eleanor (Ellie) is still young (9.5 months old now) but she has already called twice. I had hoped that she would skip this season but nope, this little girl thinks she's old enough! Allowing females to call too many times puts her at risk (a very significant one) for pyometra and so on. Putting her on the pill would again put her at risk for mammary cancer, cysts etc. so after speaking to some experienced breeders, the best (meaning least risky other than spaying) might be to set up a date with a male. Her mate will be a cream boy, provided he passes his HCM test next month. I have met the cream boy many times in person- he is from a gorgeous lilac stud and his mum (a blue tortie) was very mature (something like 9 years old) when she had him. He is only 2+ which is younger than I'd like (as you might know, I tend to prefer older studs) but as his parents are both fine and mature, the odds are in his favour.
Ellie will be tested for HCM in June/July and will go on her date as soon as she calls after that. As Ellie is inexperienced and we both have busy jobs, it might be best for Pipje to have her nest at the same time. On one hand, this would mean crazy times in our home, with kittens flying all around. On the other hand, if something bad happens (no milk etc.), there is a back-up mummy cat. That said, it all depends on how things go- maybe Pipje cannot wait anymore.
Kittens from this mating (Ellie x Uncas) will be lilac (males) or lilac tortie (females). Pipje's kittens (with Easy) will be lilac (males and females), lilac tortie (females only) or cream (males only).
All plans are not set in stone- it's always difficult to make definite plans as it always depends on when queens are calling, the effect it has on them (for eg. you have to see if they are losing condition etc. or whether they can still wait for the next round), if the studs (or their owners) are busy, if the girls get an infection (ovaries etc.) so that they have to be neutered, the health tests and to a certain extend on my schedule (work....).
Eleanor (Ellie) is still young (9.5 months old now) but she has already called twice. I had hoped that she would skip this season but nope, this little girl thinks she's old enough! Allowing females to call too many times puts her at risk (a very significant one) for pyometra and so on. Putting her on the pill would again put her at risk for mammary cancer, cysts etc. so after speaking to some experienced breeders, the best (meaning least risky other than spaying) might be to set up a date with a male. Her mate will be a cream boy, provided he passes his HCM test next month. I have met the cream boy many times in person- he is from a gorgeous lilac stud and his mum (a blue tortie) was very mature (something like 9 years old) when she had him. He is only 2+ which is younger than I'd like (as you might know, I tend to prefer older studs) but as his parents are both fine and mature, the odds are in his favour.
Ellie will be tested for HCM in June/July and will go on her date as soon as she calls after that. As Ellie is inexperienced and we both have busy jobs, it might be best for Pipje to have her nest at the same time. On one hand, this would mean crazy times in our home, with kittens flying all around. On the other hand, if something bad happens (no milk etc.), there is a back-up mummy cat. That said, it all depends on how things go- maybe Pipje cannot wait anymore.
Kittens from this mating (Ellie x Uncas) will be lilac (males) or lilac tortie (females). Pipje's kittens (with Easy) will be lilac (males and females), lilac tortie (females only) or cream (males only).
All plans are not set in stone- it's always difficult to make definite plans as it always depends on when queens are calling, the effect it has on them (for eg. you have to see if they are losing condition etc. or whether they can still wait for the next round), if the studs (or their owners) are busy, if the girls get an infection (ovaries etc.) so that they have to be neutered, the health tests and to a certain extend on my schedule (work....).
March 7th 2015
Pipje became 4 years old on March 4th. Hip hip hurrah! Pipje has really calmed down quite a lot from her kitten days. She is still active but not as crazy as before. She is also more balanced. When she was younger, she used to hide when visitors came over (mostly because in our previous home, there was this ridiculously loud doorbell) but now, she likes people.
She is always so happy when we arrive home and does a lot of 'hopjes'. One of the cute yet annoying things she does is dragging her 'hengel' to us so that we will play with her. Pipje is my first cat, so will always have a special place in my heart. On March 6th, Pipje's heart was scanned again by Maartje Passon-Vastenburg (a recognised specialist) and it was found to be normal so my plan to breed her will proceed. Surprisingly, she hasn't called since that first round in February so who knows.... It's all up to mother nature. Her mate will be a lilac boy , imported from Germany. I decided to pick him as I wanted to widen the lilac gene pool in my small way. Bonne (the previous stud) is gorgeous but as he is the only decent,older male with B bloodgroup in NL, a lot of the lilac cats for breeding have him somewhere in the pedigree. The new stud, Easy, is young but is very promising and from what I heard, comes from lines without health issues. His ancestors include Dutch and even Australian cats. Kittens from this combination will be lilac (boys and girls), lilac tortie (girls only) and cream (boys only). |
February 11th 2015
Pipje started calling on Sunday. Once she is in heat, her cycle is rather frequent and she is a pretty heavy caller so we will have to accelerate our plans a little bit. I had initially only wanted to mate here in end of April/May but I don't think she can wait anymore so today, I took her to the vet for the FIV and FeLV test (negative). Her HCM scan will be done most likely on March 6th.
I have not 100% decided who her mate will be. He will most likely be a lilac boy (maybe the same one from last year as I liked the kittens). We shall see- first, lets get the HCM scan done and we will go from there.
Our other cats:
Tante F. (our 9.5 year old black moggie) went for her annual check up and vaccination early this month. The vet discovered that she had a broken tooth so she had it removed and got her teeth cleaned as well (this is under anaesthesia) a few days later. She has recovered from her ordeal and is back to her usual tricks.
Pechje also had her annual check-up and vaccination (same time as Tante F.) and she is also fine. Nothing much to report except that she is as funny and as happy as always. She really enjoys hanging out with Ellie and if only for that reason, keeping Ellie was a decision we do not regret.
Eleanor is also very well. She is still a happy -go -lucky thing and is doing well at shows too.
I have not 100% decided who her mate will be. He will most likely be a lilac boy (maybe the same one from last year as I liked the kittens). We shall see- first, lets get the HCM scan done and we will go from there.
Our other cats:
Tante F. (our 9.5 year old black moggie) went for her annual check up and vaccination early this month. The vet discovered that she had a broken tooth so she had it removed and got her teeth cleaned as well (this is under anaesthesia) a few days later. She has recovered from her ordeal and is back to her usual tricks.
Pechje also had her annual check-up and vaccination (same time as Tante F.) and she is also fine. Nothing much to report except that she is as funny and as happy as always. She really enjoys hanging out with Ellie and if only for that reason, keeping Ellie was a decision we do not regret.
Eleanor is also very well. She is still a happy -go -lucky thing and is doing well at shows too.
December 6th 2014

Ellie attended her first show on November 16th. It was a 2-in-1 show - which happens very rarely (this was to commemorate Felikat's 80th birthday)- which means that you can get your cat judged twice by 2 different judges and could win 2 titles (for adults) in one day.We went not for a title (Ellie can only try out for it at the age of 10 months old and up) but because I was curious if she fit the breed standard sufficiently and because I wanted to get her used to the environment.
Ellie was great- she was not scared and was quite happy to hang around in her cage, looking at visitors (who were of course, besotted by her as she was probably the youngest kitten at the show at 4 months and 2 days old). She was slightly nervous during the judging part and kept jumping onto my shoulder and sat there like an eagle which was a bit embarassing;) Ellie was beaten in her kitten class by this gorgeous girl with gorgeous parents (same reason given by both judges- the other kitten is older and more developed while Ellie is still too much of a kitten from a face and body POV). I won't deny it, the other girl certainly deserved to win:)
The judges' comments were as follows:
Marianne Kuipers:
Type: Well sized youngster, well balanced with firm legs.
Head: Excellent round and rounded forehead
Eyes: Round and open
Ears: Well sized, set a bit upright
Coat: Excellent texture, dense and crispy, nice tone
Tail: Excellent for shape and size
Condition: Excellent
Remarks: Sweet, attractive girl
Laura Scholten:
Type: Excellent baby body, strong, excellent short legs but a bit long bodied
Head: Excellent round, excellent forehead, excellent indentation, excellent chin
Eyes: Excellent round shape, excellent open, excellent large, colour developing
Coat: Real soft baby coat, excellent dense, excellent colour, faint ghostmarkings on legs
Tail: Excellent *something* (can't read it) body
Condition: Excellent
Remarks: Playful and alert!
Ellie was great- she was not scared and was quite happy to hang around in her cage, looking at visitors (who were of course, besotted by her as she was probably the youngest kitten at the show at 4 months and 2 days old). She was slightly nervous during the judging part and kept jumping onto my shoulder and sat there like an eagle which was a bit embarassing;) Ellie was beaten in her kitten class by this gorgeous girl with gorgeous parents (same reason given by both judges- the other kitten is older and more developed while Ellie is still too much of a kitten from a face and body POV). I won't deny it, the other girl certainly deserved to win:)
The judges' comments were as follows:
Marianne Kuipers:
Type: Well sized youngster, well balanced with firm legs.
Head: Excellent round and rounded forehead
Eyes: Round and open
Ears: Well sized, set a bit upright
Coat: Excellent texture, dense and crispy, nice tone
Tail: Excellent for shape and size
Condition: Excellent
Remarks: Sweet, attractive girl
Laura Scholten:
Type: Excellent baby body, strong, excellent short legs but a bit long bodied
Head: Excellent round, excellent forehead, excellent indentation, excellent chin
Eyes: Excellent round shape, excellent open, excellent large, colour developing
Coat: Real soft baby coat, excellent dense, excellent colour, faint ghostmarkings on legs
Tail: Excellent *something* (can't read it) body
Condition: Excellent
Remarks: Playful and alert!
November 1st 2014

Ellie was vaccinated for the 2nd time when she was 15 weeks old (Monday, 27th October). She is doing really well- the vet was very happy with her. Ellie is the smallest amongst all our kittens- she weighed exactly 2kg last Monday. I'm pretty sure all our kittens are still heavier. It's still decent though and what's important is if she is lively, 'looks' chubby (which she does) and if she eats enough (no worries there, she's a 'vreetzak'). We will be taking her to a cat show in mid-November to get her used to it and then when she's older, we can check if she is fits the breed standard enough so that she can be bred with or not.
Our other kittens will probably be vaccinated next week at 16 weeks old. Milo, Roly Poly and Buttercup are all used to their new homes and owners. I really love hearing about their antics, watching the videos and the pictures!
Our other kittens will probably be vaccinated next week at 16 weeks old. Milo, Roly Poly and Buttercup are all used to their new homes and owners. I really love hearing about their antics, watching the videos and the pictures!
October 14th 2014

Milo, Roly Poly and Buttercup left the nest yesterday (Eleanor is staying). It's always a bittersweet feeling but they have wonderful new homes so I am not worried! It was a great nest- everything went well which is nice after the drama of our last one(Pechje's accident) :) I really enjoyed the whole experience- from finding a decent partner for Pipje, the tests, the birth, the care (A LOT) involved, buying things for the kitten packs, meeting potential owners, deciding on the right owners, corresponding, the vaccinations, getting to know some breeders better, etc.etc.etc.
Eleanor misses her brothers and sister (she mews and looks for them) but seems to be more settled today. It's really nice that we can focus on her and really get to know her better. Pipje was again, a wonderful mum and perhaps we will have a nest from her next year (or the year after, depending on the birth control method that we use). If Eleanor is ready, we might have a nest from her end of next year too but we'll decide that later. Early days! For now, we'll focus on relaxing and giving more attention to Ellie and the adults.
Eleanor misses her brothers and sister (she mews and looks for them) but seems to be more settled today. It's really nice that we can focus on her and really get to know her better. Pipje was again, a wonderful mum and perhaps we will have a nest from her next year (or the year after, depending on the birth control method that we use). If Eleanor is ready, we might have a nest from her end of next year too but we'll decide that later. Early days! For now, we'll focus on relaxing and giving more attention to Ellie and the adults.
August 26th 2014

The babies are 6 weeks old and are so much fun. They are very naughty and active but also with such good characters. They are friendly, unafraid of humans (or things like vacumn cleaners etc.) and very fun to watch. Pipje is a really great mum and I am especially proud of Pechje who seems to love them too.
All 4 have their own personalities- it's very hard for me to pick a favourite.
Milo is very, very whiny but he also loves to purr. He's whiny because he's excited which aggravates Pipje (and us) at times but then when I pick him up, he starts purring and my annoyance dissipates immediately! He has really nice fur (a very 'cool' cream with almost no markings at all). On the whole, he is a gentle boy.
Roly Poly is naughty, can be a bit wild but also very affectionate. He likes to sleep on us and has somehow built a relationship with Pechje(he sleeps next to her, with his face buried in her fur). He's basically a typical boy and has a nice (from a British Shorthair point of view) big head. He and Buttercup are the naughty ones of the nest.
Eleanor (Ellie) is small, gentle and sweet. She really likes my husband which is great because he's been convinced to keep her (which means I get to keep her muahaha). I was very torn betwee the 2 girls because they're great in their own way (both in personality and looks) but finally decided on Ellie because we think that she will fit better with the other cats in the household- Buttercup is really adorable and very fun but she reminds me a lot of Pipje and I think we can only have one of those (pittige tante) in our home.
Buttercup is a fun and funny girl. She's always getting into scrapes and has a very appealing look about her. She has great boning and some cat show judges (who saw my pictures) thought I should keep her instead. Ah well. She is sociable and really enjoys exploring. She is not afraid to challenge my older cats (besides her mum, there's also Pechje and Tante Flabs)- she has a very positive outlook in life (like " I will end up alright and fine, who cares if this cat is 20 times my size!?"). Yet, she is very gezellig and wants to always be near us, comes running when she's called and the other cats like her too.
July 23rd 2014
We will be updating the blog section about how the birth went. Also, we have finally decided on their names- they will be called Milo (cute, my favourite drink growing up;) ), Roly Poly (Beatrix Potter book), Eleanor (Elly for short) and Francois (very serious name but my husband insists. This is after Frans Timmermans). **Update: Francois turned out to be a girl so she's now called Buttercup** |
July 20th 2014

The kittens are doing really well. As it is quite warm, both Pip and babies are in the hallway (the coolest area in our home).They're growing really quickly and I saw today that their eyes are already opening. Pipje is a really great mum, she responds to their whines immediately. She doesn't mind us handling the kittens but when they start screaming (because we smell different etc.), she comes over and looks at us like "What are you doing to my babies, give them back";)
They'll be a week old tomorrow and we really have to start thinking of names!
They'll be a week old tomorrow and we really have to start thinking of names!
July 14th 2014
The babies are here! It was a long but not very difficult birth. It started at around 8am this morning and the last baby was born at 1615. Pipje was such a champ. She did everything herself this time (except the 4th which I did just to be safe). Very happy but quite tired (Pipje more but me too!).
We have 2 cream boys and 2 lilacs (sex not known yet). Born at 1408: Cream boy 103g Born at 1455: Cream boy 101g Both at 1555: Lilac girl/boy 93g Born at 1615: Lilac boy/girl 102g |
July 13th 2014

Doesn't look like it's going to happen tonight;)
July 5th 2014

9 days to go. She looks smaller than the last time so I'm guessing we'll have 3 or 4 kittens. Pechje is spoilt even more as Pipje's motherly instincts are taking over so lucky Pechje gets lots of washing and hugs. I have already taken a few days off work as I want to be home when the birth happens. Hope she doesn't keep me waiting!
June 11th 2014
We really love receiving emails from our kitten owners and heard from all 4 owners yesterday! They are all very much loved. It's fun seeing how the kittens look like now. They share some similarities- yet, some look quite different! They all have beautiful, deep orange eyes (Columbus' legacy. He was famous for that) for sure. Also the girls are talkers, like Pipje;) Pipje used to tell them stories all the time when they were little. Very cute.
Here's a little update on the 4 (according to birth order):
Here's a little update on the 4 (according to birth order):

This is Bella (Cerulean) who lives in Overijssel now. This lucky girl gets to catch birds and mice and is apparently quite the huntress. She is an only-cat and is spoiled thoroughly by her owners (especially her human mum). I love her shade of blue.

Miu (Marjorelle) is looking really lovely (cobby with muscular legs-a desirable trait). She still purrs incredibly loudly and still as active as always. She lives happily with a Scottish Fold, Diego (sorry for cutting you out of the picture, Diego!).

Mixie (Periwinkle) was adopted to be the companion of Gismo who had recently (at that time) suffered the loss of his housemate (who was also his littermate). Mixie became his best friend, she absolutely loves him and he loves her.
Like Miu (who was her partner in crime when they were kittens), she is still affectionate and still naughty. I'm happy to say that she is still a lapcat.
Like Miu (who was her partner in crime when they were kittens), she is still affectionate and still naughty. I'm happy to say that she is still a lapcat.

Unfortunately, I haven't had pictures of Roderik since he was 13 weeks old but I do receive email updates! He is still doing well.
He is the king of the house and his owners say they are his slaves. He's also the only cat and is completely doted on. He is very dependent and apparently always needs to be fed! I wonder if he's become a large, chubby cat? I do like my male cats big and chubby;) (can't say the same about human men, sorry;) )
He is the king of the house and his owners say they are his slaves. He's also the only cat and is completely doted on. He is very dependent and apparently always needs to be fed! I wonder if he's become a large, chubby cat? I do like my male cats big and chubby;) (can't say the same about human men, sorry;) )
June 9th 2014

Happy Birthday to our first litter (Bella, Miu, Mixie and Roderik) and Pechje! You will all become 2 years old tomorrow (except Roderik who was born in the early hours of June 11th).
I really enjoyed caring for the kittens and am so pleased that they have all found good homes all over The Netherlands.
Pechje is doing very well, although I am sure she is smaller and less coordinated than her sisters and brother. She leads a happy, charmed life and I am curious as to how she reacts to the kittens arriving in July.
Mummy, Pipje, is also well. She is sleeping a lot as she is pregnant but still loves her Flying Frenzy. She is still the queen of this house.
Dad, Columbus, sadly passed away last week at the age of 14. He was an amazing cat and I am so glad we chose him to be the dad of our first litter.
I really enjoyed caring for the kittens and am so pleased that they have all found good homes all over The Netherlands.
Pechje is doing very well, although I am sure she is smaller and less coordinated than her sisters and brother. She leads a happy, charmed life and I am curious as to how she reacts to the kittens arriving in July.
Mummy, Pipje, is also well. She is sleeping a lot as she is pregnant but still loves her Flying Frenzy. She is still the queen of this house.
Dad, Columbus, sadly passed away last week at the age of 14. He was an amazing cat and I am so glad we chose him to be the dad of our first litter.
May 17th 2014

Pipje is home! We picked her up on Monday (May 12th) evening. According to the stud's owner, there was some action on Sunday and Monday afternoon so hopefully, that's enough for some little balls of fluff in July! If not, we will have to go back again (but that's fine).
I think Pipje really missed us (we missed her too). She is exhausted after her 4-day date with Bonne and was quite happy to be home again. The other cats welcomed her back and it was like she was never away.
If we count from Sunday, the kittens should be born on July 15th (average gestation is 65 days) but first, we'll have to wait a few weeks to see if she is really pregnant or not:)
I think Pipje really missed us (we missed her too). She is exhausted after her 4-day date with Bonne and was quite happy to be home again. The other cats welcomed her back and it was like she was never away.
If we count from Sunday, the kittens should be born on July 15th (average gestation is 65 days) but first, we'll have to wait a few weeks to see if she is really pregnant or not:)
May 8th 2014

Pipje is staying with SC. (Supreme Champion) Finch Fanbonnevanck now. Colours we are expecting are lilac, lilac tortie and cream:)
Some information about Bonne: He was born in 2008 and some of the reasons why I picked him were:
i) I like older studs and whilst Bonne is far from old, he is also not terribly young. It is not easy to find a good, older lilac stud. The reason why I like older studs is because the chances of HCM is just a bit smaller, they have proven themselves and have physically matured out (so what you see is what you get). Mostly, it's because of health (not that young studs aren't healthy but the odds are better-in my opinion- with older boys) and it is my personal preference only. Please take note that there is NOTHING wrong with picking young studs.
ii) He is the correct blood group (B. Going to an A stud means we would have to bottle feed for the first 2 days or the kittens will die due to antibodies in the milk). That's just a bit more risk so for now, I prefer going to B studs for my B queen.
iii) He has a cool lilac tone which is preferred in The Netherlands.
iv) He has smaller ears than Pipje and that is something I strive for my kittens.
v) Again, the colour: in future, I plan on breeding the classic colours, Blue and Black. Our previous nest was blue tortie and cream so this time, I wanted a chocolate-based (lilac is the dilute of chocolate) nest.
vi) He has a good pedigree.
It goes without saying that he is tested for HCM (every year by a recognised specialist), PKD (both DNA and echo, again by recognised lab and specialist), FIV and FeLV. Pipje is also tested for these things. Personality-wise, he is a soft and gentle cat. Quite patient from the short time I met him.
Some information about Bonne: He was born in 2008 and some of the reasons why I picked him were:
i) I like older studs and whilst Bonne is far from old, he is also not terribly young. It is not easy to find a good, older lilac stud. The reason why I like older studs is because the chances of HCM is just a bit smaller, they have proven themselves and have physically matured out (so what you see is what you get). Mostly, it's because of health (not that young studs aren't healthy but the odds are better-in my opinion- with older boys) and it is my personal preference only. Please take note that there is NOTHING wrong with picking young studs.
ii) He is the correct blood group (B. Going to an A stud means we would have to bottle feed for the first 2 days or the kittens will die due to antibodies in the milk). That's just a bit more risk so for now, I prefer going to B studs for my B queen.
iii) He has a cool lilac tone which is preferred in The Netherlands.
iv) He has smaller ears than Pipje and that is something I strive for my kittens.
v) Again, the colour: in future, I plan on breeding the classic colours, Blue and Black. Our previous nest was blue tortie and cream so this time, I wanted a chocolate-based (lilac is the dilute of chocolate) nest.
vi) He has a good pedigree.
It goes without saying that he is tested for HCM (every year by a recognised specialist), PKD (both DNA and echo, again by recognised lab and specialist), FIV and FeLV. Pipje is also tested for these things. Personality-wise, he is a soft and gentle cat. Quite patient from the short time I met him.
April 2nd 2014

As expected, Pipje tested negative for FIV and FeLV. She was also vaccinated today. All we have do now is wait til May:)
March 16th 2014

Good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Suprelorin finally wore off! Pipje is finally in heat again (perhaps the HCM test was the trigger?;) ). We have had sleepless nights the last week (and probably part of next week as well) due to her singing. We have already picked a gorgeous boy for her and she will stay with him for a few days in May. If all goes well, we will have a nest in July
March 7th 2014

Pipje is NOT in heat yet- I had today off and Dutchman had the morning off (he drives, I don't...) so we took Pipje for her HCM test at a recognised specialist (there are only 10 in The Netherlands). I also decided that she might as well get her kidneys checked (she already tested negative for PKD via DNA). I am happy to say that she tested negative for HCM and PKD!! It's always a relief for me- testing negative for PKD is definitive but HCM will have to be done every year (for males) and before every nest (females but this generally means once a year as well).
Here's to hoping she will start calling soon!
Here's to hoping she will start calling soon!
November 11th 2013
That fat pig of ours is still not calling. No kittens for now:( Perhaps spring next year? I have the perfect boy in mind for her. Our next nest will be pretty cute;)
September 12th 2013

Pechje was vaccinated on September 6th. and had no reactions, as expected (For new visitors: Pechje is brain damaged to a photo frame which fell on her head when she was 12 days old). The vet remarked that Pechje looks strange but it's not like I didn't know that haha. Everyone who comes to our house says that she has odd eyes (she always looks surprised).
She is a happy little thing who still loves her rubber balls (and her mum). She likes my husband a lot but doesn't care very much for me (well, lets see who's going to wake up at night to feed her the next time she has an accident). She enjoys laying on her back but does need a bit of help to prop her that way (due to the accident, her coordination is really lousy).
She still has seizures every 2 months or so but we're used to it now and know that it will pass. It is just a phase she goes through and the vets at the specialist veterinary hospital in Utrecht says that it is not unusual for cats with brain damage to develope seizures weeks or even years after head trauma. Some vets say that we could put her on drugs (pills or injections daily) but we do not think this is best as she only has seizures for one week out of every 10 or so weeks and putting her on drugs ALL the time just seems bad for her organs and such. Furthermore, her seizures has generally not put her in any danger (for e.g. falling from upstairs/scratch post etc. She can control herself somehow).
Although Pechje is physically and mentally handicapped, she still exhibits very normal cat behaviour. We have always known this because our cats react very well to her. Normally, handicapped cats are bullied by normal cats but Pechje is treated well (perhaps not quite with respect but they fully accept her as one of them haha). A number of vets have also remarked on this because when they handle her, she acts exactly as how a cat should (they like to test and watch her because they think she's fascinating....).
As mentioned before, we think Pechje will live as long as any normal cat. We'll take good care of her (even her mum, Pipje, still loves her and gives her a good washing once a day) for as long as she lives.
She is a happy little thing who still loves her rubber balls (and her mum). She likes my husband a lot but doesn't care very much for me (well, lets see who's going to wake up at night to feed her the next time she has an accident). She enjoys laying on her back but does need a bit of help to prop her that way (due to the accident, her coordination is really lousy).
She still has seizures every 2 months or so but we're used to it now and know that it will pass. It is just a phase she goes through and the vets at the specialist veterinary hospital in Utrecht says that it is not unusual for cats with brain damage to develope seizures weeks or even years after head trauma. Some vets say that we could put her on drugs (pills or injections daily) but we do not think this is best as she only has seizures for one week out of every 10 or so weeks and putting her on drugs ALL the time just seems bad for her organs and such. Furthermore, her seizures has generally not put her in any danger (for e.g. falling from upstairs/scratch post etc. She can control herself somehow).
Although Pechje is physically and mentally handicapped, she still exhibits very normal cat behaviour. We have always known this because our cats react very well to her. Normally, handicapped cats are bullied by normal cats but Pechje is treated well (perhaps not quite with respect but they fully accept her as one of them haha). A number of vets have also remarked on this because when they handle her, she acts exactly as how a cat should (they like to test and watch her because they think she's fascinating....).
As mentioned before, we think Pechje will live as long as any normal cat. We'll take good care of her (even her mum, Pipje, still loves her and gives her a good washing once a day) for as long as she lives.
July 22nd 2013

Columbus and his latest granddaughter
Pipje is still not in heat. The vet had said that the implant would last 6-12 months but according to other breeders, the implant is more likely to last 1-2 years so I guess we might be kitten-less for a while.
Last week, I went to visit the person I call my 'mentor breeder'. She has 2 litters at the moment (cream and blue) and both were adorable! I also met her older cats (all gorgeous) and the father of our previous litter. He is 13 so looks-wise, he can't compete anymore with the young boys in their prime (just like how a 60-year-old, no matter how well-preserved, could ever hope to win Miss World!). However, he still looks really good for his age and he is such a sweetie. And yes, he can still make babies.
Last week, I went to visit the person I call my 'mentor breeder'. She has 2 litters at the moment (cream and blue) and both were adorable! I also met her older cats (all gorgeous) and the father of our previous litter. He is 13 so looks-wise, he can't compete anymore with the young boys in their prime (just like how a 60-year-old, no matter how well-preserved, could ever hope to win Miss World!). However, he still looks really good for his age and he is such a sweetie. And yes, he can still make babies.
June 18th

Nothing to report, just wanted to show you 2 cool photos of Bella (Cerulean from our 2012 nest) courtesy of her owners!
June 10th

one of the few photos with all 5
A very happy birthday to our 2012 nest! They are one year old today. All healthy and happy as far as I know!
From this nest, we kept Pechje (who was hit on the head by a wedding gift at 12 days old and is now mentally and physically handicapped). She had a rough start but now, I'm sure she will survive as long as any normal cat. She is a very happy and sweet cat and our fears of her being aggressive (as some brain damaged cats can be) were completely unfounded. Her favourite toys are a soft rubber ball but she likes to play with Da Bird too (she doesn't jump but enjoys swatting and chasing the feathers). She still gets at least one nice long washing session from mummy everyday.
Their mum, Pipje, is very well and we are hoping to get a nest from her again. This will take some time though, due to her implant (supposed to last 6 months to one year but it is not uncommon for it to last 2 years). Their dad, Columbus, is 13 years old and still going strong.
From this nest, we kept Pechje (who was hit on the head by a wedding gift at 12 days old and is now mentally and physically handicapped). She had a rough start but now, I'm sure she will survive as long as any normal cat. She is a very happy and sweet cat and our fears of her being aggressive (as some brain damaged cats can be) were completely unfounded. Her favourite toys are a soft rubber ball but she likes to play with Da Bird too (she doesn't jump but enjoys swatting and chasing the feathers). She still gets at least one nice long washing session from mummy everyday.
Their mum, Pipje, is very well and we are hoping to get a nest from her again. This will take some time though, due to her implant (supposed to last 6 months to one year but it is not uncommon for it to last 2 years). Their dad, Columbus, is 13 years old and still going strong.
June 9th

Pip achieved her 3rd CAC which means that she is now a Champion:) This will be her last show as she does not enjoy the experience (us too, to be honest). She improves everytime (less scared, eats more, looks around etc.) but we've decided there is no real point stressing her out (when she comes home, she acts totally normal) for 12 hours. Perhaps next time when we have a new cat, we might try showing them together again. A feline friend might help relax Pipje.
Our judge today was Ad de Bruijn and his report is as follows:
Type: Excellent cobby body. Short legs
Head: Excellent head shape and profile
Eyes: Excellent shape and expression
Ears: Very good set + size (comment from Mei: her ears are always her physical weakness)
Coat: Excellent coat texture and length. Excellent thickness. Excellent colours.
Tail: Excellent length
Condition: Excellent condition
Remarks: Well presented girl!
Our judge today was Ad de Bruijn and his report is as follows:
Type: Excellent cobby body. Short legs
Head: Excellent head shape and profile
Eyes: Excellent shape and expression
Ears: Very good set + size (comment from Mei: her ears are always her physical weakness)
Coat: Excellent coat texture and length. Excellent thickness. Excellent colours.
Tail: Excellent length
Condition: Excellent condition
Remarks: Well presented girl!
May 14th

Ugh, what a lucky,lucky thing. I always knew Pipje threw that photo frame on Pechje for a reason...
May 3rd

Hi Neighbour
We moved! The cats absolutely love their new home. Our moggie was incredibly happy and was ready to explore the whole place immediately. Pipje was wary the first day (the cats had a 'safe room') but by the 2nd day, she was bouncing all over the place. Pechje was her usual self.
April 12th

Creme de la Creme @ 2 months old
The only male kitten (also the only cream kitten, the youngest and the largest) from our 2012 nest was declared negative for HCM and PKD yesterday! :) He is a pet cat, not a breeding stud, but his attentive owners wanted to make sure he is fine.
From what I hear, he is a very large, dependent and sweet boy who is spoiled thoroughly by his current owners. He is a reserved kitten who attaches himself whole heartedly to his owners but does not care for strangers.
From what I hear, he is a very large, dependent and sweet boy who is spoiled thoroughly by his current owners. He is a reserved kitten who attaches himself whole heartedly to his owners but does not care for strangers.
April 7th 2013

This is my Peri Peri (Periwinkle, now known as Mixie, lives in Capelle a/d Ijssel) at almost 10 months old (photo with carpet). Her fur is such a lovely mixture of blue and cream. I do miss her so, for she was the only one who was a proper lap cat (British Shorthairs aren't generally lap cats). She always wanted to sleep on us, very, very affectionate. The largest photo (taken at around 9 weeks old) is one of my favourite pictures of her as this really shows what a happy little kitty she is.
Her owner tells me she is as naughty as ever (the only one among our kittens who scratched open her stitches after getting neutered. Why am I not surprised?). However, she is still incredibly affectionate and is an extroverted cat.
We love hearing from families who've adopted kittens from us and am glad that we get regular updates!
Her owner tells me she is as naughty as ever (the only one among our kittens who scratched open her stitches after getting neutered. Why am I not surprised?). However, she is still incredibly affectionate and is an extroverted cat.
We love hearing from families who've adopted kittens from us and am glad that we get regular updates!
April 5th 2013
We will no longer be living in Arnhem but will be moving to Almere in a few weeks. That means our next litter (whenever it arrives) will be raised there:)
April 2nd 2013

Not this again....
Pipje achieved her 2nd CAC at the Easter Show in Apeldoorn on Sunday. She was less scared this time but was still somewhat wary, still an improvement though. At home, she's an in-your-face monster but in public, she becomes a scaredy cat;) There were no other lilac tortis today so she could not try out for best lilac tortie. However, she was nominated for best in show again but was beaten by a very beautiful bi-colour girl. She will become a champion once she gets her 3rd CAC:)
Her show report is as follows:
Type: Excellent broad body+cobby. Mid-built
Head: Short profile+ good chin. OK forehead. Top still to develope.
Eyes: Excellent colour and slope. OK size
Ears: Small. Could be lower.
Coat: Excellent dense and short. Bit soft. Lilac+cream could be both
more light in tone.
Tail: Excellent
Condition: Excellent!
Remarks: Attractive lady
Her show report is as follows:
Type: Excellent broad body+cobby. Mid-built
Head: Short profile+ good chin. OK forehead. Top still to develope.
Eyes: Excellent colour and slope. OK size
Ears: Small. Could be lower.
Coat: Excellent dense and short. Bit soft. Lilac+cream could be both
more light in tone.
Tail: Excellent
Condition: Excellent!
Remarks: Attractive lady
February 2nd
Pechje was sterilised and she is doing incredibly well. She recovered pretty much immediately and shows absolutely no signs of trauma. Our first cat hid in the kitty toilet for a week before she was OK again so it is quite remarkable to us how well Pechje is doing:) She will have to go to the vet again to remove the stitching next week.
Don't forget to vote in the poll below!:)
Don't forget to vote in the poll below!:)
January 25th

Bella (Cerulean) was sterilised earlier this week and is recovering quite nicely, according to her owners. Miu (Marjorelle) was sterilised today and Pechje will be losing her ovaries on Monday.I guess the kittens are getting old. The girls are due to be spayed by 8 months old and the boy (the only one we had) will be spayed by 10 months old (not necessary but this was a special request from his owners).
January 3rd 2013

Hallo, Ik ben Pechje en ik ben een beetje 'simple'
We brought Pechje for her 6-month check-up (well, OK closer to 7 months) and she is quite well according to the vet. She will be sterilised on January 28th.